My comment: I am a student at the University of South Alabama and I am a elementary education major. I am currently taking the EDM 310m class and we are required to comment on your blog. While reading your post, I agree that it is important to make your students think deeply about the lesson that is being taught in class. Also, I think it is a great idea to ask better understandable questions because this will help impact the students learning.
Summary #2: As I listen to the song Mr. Rice shared on his blog, I could tell that it had a lot of meaning towards how some people felt about the education system. This song is definitely rated for an older crowd due to the language and being able to understand what it is talking about. It mainly discusses how each generation is very different from each other. Some children want to learn and some just want to be class clowns. Also, how some teachers actually take the time out to teach and how some just do whatever to make the time go by. It also talks about the teachers who care are underpaid when the ones who dont care deserve to be underpaid. Each generation gets lazier and lazier and it's not fair to the students who come to learn. Another thing it talks about is the motivation that some students have to learn and succeed in life verses the ones who come to school to waste other people's time and be a disruption in class.
My comment: My name is Sydney Potter. I attend the University of South Alabama and I am required to comment on your blog for this week. I really did enjoy the song. It’s more for an older crowd because youngsters wouldn’t be able to understand it that well. I could kind of see why it shouldn’t be played in schools because it is very opinionated and some people may get offended by the things that are said in the song. I agree with what you said, people should be more open to ideas and help improve the education system to become better instead of waiting on others to do it.
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